Guiding Principles
Sitefinity Design System was created to assist implementing the visual and UX standards of the new Sitefinity interface design. Our aim was to deliver better, modern, consistent and quality user experience to all our customers. Here are the design principles we were guided by.
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More content
Hide redundant non-content elements like filters, secondary actions, navigation, branding and make room for content. Display more columns in data grids, more visible rows on a screen, more space for reading and writing.
More focus
Each screen supports one primary task. Secondary tasks are less visible or hidden, but yet progressively discoverable.
More delightful details
Introducing clean and simple graphic design brings focus to the small details. Microinteractions make the experience friendly and fun.
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Less chrome
Less non-content and non-action elements. Less borders, less colors. Typography creates visual hierarchy.
Less forms
Create and edit content screens encourage writing and reading. They are more than just forms.
Less effort
User tasks and flows are easier and streamlined. They are more efficient and take less time to complete.